Seeds, flowers, nectar, bees, pollen, honey, wax, extraction, consumption, pollination, fruit, seeds, flowers—it's a miraculous loop fundamental to our entire ecosystem. But beyond our appreciation of this natural cycle, we love that honey reflects the environment through the essence of the flowers the nectar was collected. We are drawn to the formal properties of honey as a material—it's fluctuating viscosity as well as it's ability to both absorb and refract light. Spun Honey concentrates on the process of how honey is made and consumed, inviting the participant to take part in a kinetic loop where a simple mechanical effort—a method inspired by traditional honey extraction—withdraws the honey and drizzles it on a tart. To perpetuate the cycle, participants are encouraged to take away a seed packet to plant the seeds for future honey.
Spun Honey
Loop #2
Ingredients: Local Wildflower Honey, Cream Cheese, Shortbread, Wildflowers
Materials: Beeswax, Wood, Rope, Wildflower Seeds, Vellum, Hardware